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2019 Academic Fellows



International Accreditation Council of Professional Training


IACPT will post all certificate applicant names on the member page listed here.
The certificate application must be received by IACPT office.

IACPT Global Recognition Certificates

IACPT is a worldwide graduate-level professional training and certification organization for industry managers, analysts, planners, faculty, investment professional, community member, and business owners. As a worldwide independent society of industry professionals, we accept accredited coursework and degree credit transfer from major business schools. We are a global self-regulatory organization that recognizes the highest standards in all facets of professional trainings. IACPT has members in many countries and is at the forefront of International industry and business professional. Our Global Board has top professors and industry experts from around the world.


Certificates Offered By IACPT:

License Category Title of License
License of Business Management CBM - Certificate of Business Management
CQM - Certificate of Quality Management
CRM - Certificate of Risk Management
CITM - Certificate of Information Technology Management
CIE - Certificate of Industrial Engineering
CMM - Certificate of Marketing Management
CLM - Certificate of Logistics Management
CHCM - Certificate of Health Care Management
CPM - Certificate of Production Management
CHM - Certificate of Hospitality Management
CNM - Certificate of Network Management
CLS - Certificate of Labor Safety
CHRM - Certificate of Human Resource Management
CMM - Certificate of Manufacturing Management
CPRP - Certificate of Public Relation Professional
License of Consultant CFM - Certified Financial Management
CMA - Certified Management Accountant
CCSA - Certificate of Control Self-Assessment
CIA - Certified Internal Auditor
CFSA - Certified Financial Service Auditor
CFA - Chartered Financial Analyst
CISA - Certified Information System Auditor
CSM - Certificate of Sport Management
CBSM - Certificate of Business Strategy Management
CFM - Certificate of Functional Management
RFS - Recorded Financial Specialist
CRA - Certificate of Risk Analyst
CAM - Certificate of Asset Manager
CPM - Certificate of Portfolio Manger
CTEP - Certificate of Trust & Estate Planner
CMA - Certificate of Market Analyst
CPMP - Certificate of Project Management Professional
Professional License CHM - Certificate of Housekeeping Management
CN - Certificate in Nanny
PGC - Pet Groomer Certificate
CC - Certificate of Cosmetologist - Global Makeup Artistry Certificate
BC - Baking Certificate
BC - Bartender Certificate
CA - Certificate of Agronomy
CGD - Certificate in Gardening  Design
CHD - Certificate in Hair  Design
NTC - Nail Technician Certificate
CP - Certificate in Photographic
FDC - Floral Design Certificate
DMP - Doctor of Management Professional
CMC - Certificate in Mental Calculation
MCP - Master of Communication Professional
CCM - Certified Communication Management
CEE - Certified Electrical Engineering
EEP - Electrical Engineering Professional
EMP - Electrical Management Professional
CHE - Certified Hydraulic Engineering
HEP - Hydraulic Engineering Professional
HEMP - Hydraulic Engineering Management Professional
CCW - Certificate of Commercial Wiring
CIW - Certificate of Industrial Wiring
CMC - Certificate of Micro-Controller (Specialist Class)
CMC - Certificate of Micro-Controller (Practice Class)
CECSU - Certificate of Electronic Components Soldering and Unsoldering (Specialist Class)
CECSU - Certificate of Electronic Components Soldering and Unsoldering (Practice Class)
CCT - Certificate of Communication Technology
CTOP - Certificate of Telecommunication Outdoor Plant
CDLD - Certificate of Digital Logic Design (Practice Class)
CCSA - Certificate of Computer Software Application (A-level)
CCSA - Certificate of Computer Software Application (B-level)
CCSA - Certificate of Computer Software Application (C-level)
CWD - Certificate of Web Design (A-level)
CWD - Certificate of Web Design (B-level)
CWD - Certificate of Web Design (C-level)
CMWES - Certificate of Microsoft Word Expert Specialist (A-level)
CMWES - Certificate of Microsoft Word Expert Specialist (B-level)
CMWES - Certificate of Microsoft Word Expert Specialist (C-level)
CMEES - Certificate of Microsoft Excel Expert Specialist (A-level)
CMEES - Certificate of Microsoft Excel Expert Specialist (B-level)
CMEES - Certificate of Microsoft Excel Expert Specialist (C-level)
CMPPS - Certificate of Microsoft Power Point Specialist (A-level)
CMPPS - Certificate of Microsoft Power Point Specialist (B-level)
CMPPS - Certificate of Microsoft Power Point Specialist (C-level)
CMAS - Certificate of Microsoft Access Specialist (A-level)
CMAS - Certificate of Microsoft Access Specialist (B-level)
CMAS - Certificate of Microsoft Access Specialist (C-level)
CMOS - Certificate of Microsoft Outlook Specialist (A-level)
CMOS - Certificate of Microsoft Outlook Specialist (B-level)
CMOS - Certificate of Microsoft Outlook Specialist (C-level)
CWCDS - Certificate of Web Communication Dreamweaver Specialist (A-level)
CWCDS - Certificate of Web Communication Dreamweaver Specialist (B-level)
CWCDS - Certificate of Web Communication Dreamweaver Specialist (C-level)
CRMCFS - Certificate of Rich Media Communication Flash Specialist (A-level)
CRMCFS - Certificate of Rich Media Communication Flash Specialist (B-level)
CRMCFS - Certificate of Rich Media Communication Flash Specialist (C-level)
CVCPS - Certificate of Visual Communication Photoshop Specialist (A-level)
CVCPS - Certificate of Visual Communication Photoshop Specialist (B-level)
CVCPS - Certificate of Visual Communication Photoshop Specialist (C-level)
CM - Certificate of Mechetronics
FBPCB - Food Baking-Pastry Cakes Bread (A-level)
FBPCB - Food Baking-Pastry Cakes Bread (B-level)
FBPCB - Food Baking-Pastry Cakes Bread (C-level)
FBFB - Food Baking-Food Baking (A-Level)
FBFB - Food Baking-Food Baking (B-Level)
FBFB - Food Baking-Food Baking (C-Level)
FBBC - Food Baking-Bread Cookies (A-Level)
FBBC - Food Baking-Bread Cookies (B-Level)
FBBC - Food Baking-Bread Cookies (C-Level)
FBPC - Food Baking-Pastry Cakes (A-Level)
FBPC - Food Baking-Pastry Cakes (B-Level)
FBPC - Food Baking-Pastry Cakes (C-Level)
FBPCC - Food Baking-Pastry Cakes Cookies (A-Level)
FBPCC - Food Baking-Pastry Cakes Cookies (B-Level)
FBPCC - Food Baking-Pastry Cakes Cookies (C-Level)
FBBPCC - Food Baking-Bread Pastry Cakes Cookies (A-Level)
FBBPCC - Food Baking-Bread Pastry Cakes Cookies (B-Level)
FBBPCC - Food Baking-Bread Pastry Cakes Cookies (C-Level)
FBS - Food Baking-Snacks (Chinese & Western Style) (A-Level)
FBS - Food Baking-Snacks (Chinese & Western Style) (B-Level)
FBS - Food Baking-Snacks (Chinese & Western Style) (C-Level)
FBC - Food Baking-Cookies (Chinese & Western Style) (A-Level)
FBC - Food Baking-Cookies (Chinese & Western Style) (B-Level)
FBC - Food Baking-Cookies (Chinese & Western Style) (C-Level)
FBCC - Food Baking-Cookies & Cakes (Chinese & Western Style) (A-Level)
FBCC - Food Baking-Cookies & Cakes (Chinese & Western Style) (B-Level)
FBCC - Food Baking-Cookies & Cakes (Chinese & Western Style) (C-Level)
FBCB - Food Baking-Cookies & Bread (Chinese & Western Style) (A-Level)
FBCB - Food Baking-Cookies & Bread (Chinese & Western Style) (B-Level)
FBCB - Food Baking-Cookies & Bread (Chinese & Western Style) (C-Level)
FBB - Food Baking-Bread (Chinese & Western Style) (A-Level)
FBB - Food Baking-Bread (Chinese & Western Style) (B-Level)
FBB - Food Baking-Bread (Chinese & Western Style) (C-Level)
FBB - Food Baking-Bread (A-Level)
FBB - Food Baking-Bread (B-Level)
FBB - Food Baking-Bread (C-Level)
FBC - Food Baking-Cookies (A-Level)
FBC - Food Baking-Cookies (B-Level)
FBC - Food Baking-Cookies (C-Level)
CCCV - Chinese Cuisine Cookery-Vegetarian diet(A-Level)
CCCV - Chinese Cuisine Cookery-Vegetarian diet(B-Level)
CCCM - Chinese Cuisine Cookery-Meat diet (A-Level)
CCCM - Chinese Cuisine Cookery-Meat diet (B-Level)
CCCV - Chinese Cuisine Cookery-Vegetarian diet(C-Level)
CCCM - Chinese Cuisine Cookery-Meat diet (C-Level)
IMA - Internet Marketing Analyst (A-level)
IMA - Internet Marketing Analyst (B-level)
IMA - Internet Marketing Analyst (C-level)
IMP - Internet Marketing Planner (Alevel)
IMP - Internet Marketing Planner (B-level)
IMP - Internet Marketing Planner (C-level)
CIBHEP - Certificate of International Business Hosting Etiquette Professional (A-level)
CIBHEP - Certificate of International Business Hosting Etiquette Professional (B-level)
CIBHEP - Certificate of International Business Hosting Etiquette Professional (C-level)
CIBSEP - Certificate of International Business Social Etiquette Professional (A-level)
CIBSEP - Certificate of International Business Social Etiquette Professional (B-level)
CIBSEP - Certificate of International Business Social Etiquette Professional (C-level)
Certificate of Japanese Language Professional (CJLP) (Level-A)
Certificate of Japanese Language Professional (CJLP) (Level-B)
Certificate of Japanese Language Professional (CJLP) (Level-C)
Certificate of Chinese Language Professional (CCLP) (Level-A)
Certificate of Chinese Language Professional (CCLP) (Level-B)
Certificate of Chinese Language Professional (CCLP) (Level-C)
MATCH - Master of Animal Training and Care Health
Carbon Finance Consultant
ESG Carbon Credit Professional ESG
ESG Sustainability Management Professional
Certified ESG Consultant
Master ESG Consultant
Doctoral ESG Senior Consultant
Carbon Data Analyst
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